Poker coach, player, and renowned author on mindset and strategy Tommy Angelo enters the GRID to talk about a thrilling—and then not so thrilling—hand with ace-three suited. This hand throws back all the way to 1995, to a riverboat game on the Mississippi in Saint Louis, where Tommy found himself in a multi-way hand with ace-three of diamonds. The board ran out Queen of Spades, Four of Diamonds, and Two of Diamonds. After the flop checked around, the turn was the beautiful five of diamonds. Tommy started doing cartwheels and backflips in his head. He hit the stone cold nuts, a straight flush, a holding that we mostly dream about. Then the river came.
After unraveling the most memorable, and most painful hand of his multi-decade career, Tommy talks about common mindset missteps, his process in poker and in writing, and how to practice gratitude, even when you’re frustrated and card-dead. As he says: “Your flops are numbered. Love Them All.”
All of Tommy’s books, including the widely acclaimed Elements of Poker, and Painless Poker, can be found on multiple platforms, including e-book, audio book and hardcopy. You can find links to his articles and videos and learn about his coaching on Follow him for daily poker wisdom on @thetommyangelo.
Be sure to rate/review the GRID on your favorite podcast platform and check out host Jen Shahade’s new book, Chess Queens.
The GRID is now proudly sponsored by PokerStars. Logo art photo by Kyle Cassidy, intro music “Gotta Switch it On” by Grace Mesa.