The Grid 058 ft. Jordan Ellenberg – Five-Deuce Offsuit

The GRID welcomes best-selling author, mathematician and professor Jordan Ellenberg, author of the new book, Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy and Everything Else. He is also the best-selling author of How Not to Be Wrong, a Math Olympian and a professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Though Jordan is not a serious poker or chess player, his books dive into so many areas that are of great interest to gamers from the math behind Deep Mind and Artificial Intelligence, game trees from checkers to GO and how to improve your odds in the lottery.

The interview began with a lucky start with a game, as Jordan clicked off the five-deuce offsuit cell on the GRID and explained to us how he randomized to select it. Now that he’s clicked off 52o, there are 111 spots left on the GRID.

Mentioned on the episode:

Jordan’s twitter

Coupon Collector’s Problem

Interview with Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

Interview with Bill Chen

Shape, the book

How Not to Be Wrong, the book

Fischer 960

Game Changer by Natasha Regan and Matthew Sadler