In a special bonus GRID, Jennifer Shahade shares an episode of her chess podcast, Ladies Knight, featuring author, psychology PHD and poker champion Maria Konnikova. In researching Konnikova, Jennifer realized that all of her books have natural overlap with games, starting with Konnikova’s premiere book, Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes. Mastermind shows how anyone can use Sherlock Holmes’ ways of catching culprits to improve their own cognitive ability from organizing your “memory attic” to deduction techniques.
Maria’s most recent book, The Biggest Lie, is about her journey from poker newbie to champion in just a year. Jennifer and Maria talk about how such a quest would differ if undertaken in chess. They also compare the deep focus required in chess and poker, and how her mentor Erik Siedel, allowed her to better understand the power of attention.
Konnikova also reveals her short, but dramatic chess career as a fifth grader and flirts with the idea of giving it another go. It’s never too late to learn, Jennifer assures her.
They also touch on Maria’s book, “The Confidence Game”, and what con artists can teach us about people who cheat in games like chess and poker. Spoiler alert: It’s not just about the money and rating points.
Maria Konnikova has previously appeared on the GRID to discuss a dramatic hand with seven-deuce offsuit.
If you are or know a woman looking to dig deeper into chess, check out the Madwoman’s Book Club Jennifer co-hosts with US Chess Women, which will feature Maria Konnikova’s Mastermind on Dec 18th.

Find out more about Maria and her books on and subscribe to the Ladies Knight for more chess-inspired conversations hosted by Jennifer.