World Poker Hall of Famer Linda Johnson enters the GRID to talk about a hand she played against Antonio Esfandiari at a World Poker Tour event a decade ago in Los Angeles. Linda defended six-deuce of diamonds in the big blind and flopped bottom pair on ten-four-deuce with two hearts and one diamond. As Antonio barelled again and again, a plan came together on the river.
Linda won a WSOP bracelet in 1997 in Razz, becoming the third ever female to win an Open event. She also throws us back to the very first female World champion, Vera Richmond and explained why Vera’s own bracelet victory in 1982 was nearly erased from history books.
Linda has made a striking number of positive contributions to the game, as publisher of Cardplayer Magazine to her current work running Cardplayer Cruises. She also co-founded the WPT and the Tournament Directors Association (TDA) as well as the charity PokerGives. She touches on all of this in our episode, also revealing the best and worst business decisions she ever made.
Jennifer also reminds Linda of their very first meeting, at a World Series of Poker Ladies Event before Jen took the game as seriously. They also talk about their recent poker play at a fundraiser to support the campaign of Biden/Harris.
You can follow Linda on twitter @FirstLadyPoker and find her companies at and the charity she co-founded
Now that Linda has covered six-deuce suited, there are 120 combos left on
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