Investor, poker player, movie producer and new author Bill Perkins enters the GRID to discuss a high stakes hand he played against Antonio Esfandiari in 2018, on Poker After Dark. Antonio, a close friend of Perkins opened after an UTG limp, and Bill called, holding Ace-Eight in position. The limper folded but the blinds came along to see a 10♣ 8♣ 6♦ two club flop in a four way flop. Antonio c-bet and everyone called to see a turn, which brought the brickiest of bricks, the deuce of hearts 2♥ . At this point, Perkins leapt to action, putting in a hefty raise against Antonio’s bet. The blinds folded and another six, bringing a third club came on the river 6♣ . Bill overbet and Antonio tanked and said “donation because I love you” before reconsidering and tanking some more. On this episode, Bill forgot the outcome of the hand, but Jennifer revealed it to him!
Bill talks about what he learned from Antonio as a poker player, and his realization he needed to tweak some things in his game to balance his tendencies on TV.
They go on to discuss Bill’s new book “Die With Zero: Making the Most From Your Money and Your Life” and the concepts that poker players can most easily apply from the book. Bill explains how he wrote Die With Zero to encourage more people to live deliberately, spending money efficiently through various phases of life.
Bill also talks about his current stay in Italy, where he’s celebrating with his new fiancee. He’s also traveling with Dan Bilzerian- both Dan and Bill have both been playing a lot of chess on the road, and Jen and Bill discuss his own passion for the game as well as speculate on various time odds games against World Champion Magnus Carlsen.
You can follow Bill Perkins on twitter @bp22 and learn more about and order his book on Videos mentioned in the episode include Doug Polk’s recap of this hand, and Zachary Elwood’s analysis of Bill’s early televised hands.
Now that Bill has covered ace-eight offsuit, there are 126 combos left on
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